These are a few random writing prompts I found and thought you guys would like. My take on them will be in italic while the prompts are in bold. There are surprisingly not that many out there that aren't elementary grade level. But, enjoy the few I found!
I feel loved when... I can write in peace and my family brings tea and chocolate - not too much and not too little.
What would I do if I were Cupid? I would sit in a mall and shoot random people with the love arrows and see the chaos that would inevitably follow.
If I could decorate candy hearts with any saying, I would write... The next person you see is your true love. It would be hilarious to see how many people fall for it
If I wanted to ask someone to be my valentine, I would... Tuck a note in their backpack or mailbox. I couldn't ever ask them to their face.
Love, to me, is... The small actions of sacrifice in everyday life.
Cupid has gone missing. It is said that he is tired of his job. Now it's up to you to bring him back and convince him to stay. How will you accomplish this? I would bribe him with chocolate and offer to help him out. It's fun to make people fall in love, right?